An EPK or Electronic Press Kit is sometimes considered an outdated tool. However, it is a far cry from that.
Why? Because an EPK gives you ample space and possibility to style your information in the best possible form. And therefore, that is exactly what an EPK is.
It showcases your most important information so it is really easy for journalist, bookers and other music industry experts to size your potential.
Ultimately the goal when interacting with any of that personnel. Nobody has time to go through your website to filter for the necessary information.
Also, stalking you on social media isn’t quite happening unless you are really big already. Hence, you need to showcase your potential at once.
What is the difference between an ordinary website and an EPK?
You might be wondering, what is the difference between an ordinary website and an EPK? For once, your website is open to the public.
Your EPK is press material and you should only show someone with a reason. Another point is that a traditional website is divided into multiple sub-pages.
That makes it easy for you to show different parts of your work, for example. However, an EPK needs to be super precise and condensed.
Another important difference is that the website can defiantly be cooler and built with understatement in mind. Your EPK, on the contrary, needs to sell hard and fast. Don’t beat around the bush!
You can indeed include the EPK into your website. This makes it really simple for you to send the link around if need be. Important to realise, don’t index that EPK page and keep the link hidden.
That way you can control who can see your EPK. However, do use analytics to track who is viewing your EPK after you’ve sent the link!
It’s recommended to develop a separate page on your company’s website to host the electronic press kit, which also gives you the ability to track activity to the page and receive insight into who is looking at your information.
*source: CookseyPR
Keep the EPK as updated as earthly possible
Another super important point with EPKs is that you need it up-to-date at all costs. What does that mean?
It means that you really schedule time in every other week or at least once a month to check-in. You won’t believe what an outdated EPK can damage.
On the other hand, if your EPK is super fresh and looks crisp it can really make some impact.
Always make sure that the photos are still accurtate. Also, keep the links all working and have the right numbers at hand.
If you are working hard on your digital strategy, the numbers on your social media pages can go up quite quickly.
Nothing worst than you have put in all this work for your digital strategy and now your EPK is showing old and lower numbers than what you actually already have achieved!
In your EPK you need to display all relevant information in a digestible way
Here’s the kicker, you need to keep the EPK super dense and as short as possible while serving all the relevant information at the same time. Also, a bit of storytelling and a strong approach to branding is needed, too.
As mentioned above, industry people really don’t have a lot of time. What is more, if you are going trough a lot of peoples info and websites in order to find the talent you want, your brain space is going to be very limited.
That’s why you need to help them as much as possible. Try to look over your EPK from the industry experts perspective.
For example, in order to show your or your bands’ achievements, you could use an infographic. This is a brilliant way of showing important information in an easy way.
Nobody needs to read a lot and it looks crisp too! Canva has an amazing infographic maker that you can use.
Another great way is to shoot a mini-interview of not more than 3 minutes where you answer all relevant questions. Of course, if you already have a real journalist interview display that one.
However, if you are just starting out you can simply draw one up yourself. Think of all questions a professional could have. For example,
Interview questions for your EPK
- Where do you come from in terms of art and music?
- What concerts and festivals did you play before the corona pandemic?
- How many live-streams do you do now?
- How many albums do you have out and how did they sell?
- What are your numbers in streaming and social media?
- Do you have Patreons that support you?
- Do you have important sponsors on board?
- What comes next for you in terms of your career?
- Where do you want to work with experts together and why?
- What are your biggest strengths and what makes your music sell?

What exactly goes into an Electronic Press Kit?
Without further ado, here’s what goes into an EPK. First, make sure you have a nice logo or your band name written in a graphic way.
Also, at this point, you really should have your Corporate Identity together. Make sure your colour palette pops and represents your music in the best way.
Don’t forget, the colours and pictures you choose help to contextualise your music in a visual way.
Draw up a short bio for a quick overview and a long one for a nice storytelling moment. Of course, both need to be SEO friendly.
First, that just shows that you get it. Secondly, if a journalist copies your text you know it will perform well.
Of course, the most important part is the music. Make it look nice as well as play well. That means an elegantly embedded playlist that looks the part.
You can also put together your best songs into one medley for anyone that doesn’t have the time to listen to all tracks. Highlight your singles and put your best songs on top.
I know there are so many things to keep in mind. So here is a EPK check-list for you.
Electronic Press Kit Check-List
Have your best songs ready in a very high quality
Style an easy to digest table of content with the most important numbers. Also, display all relevant links to your profiles
Short bio to sell your story immediately
Engaging YouTube videos or YouTube playlist. Also, interview video of you answering the most important questions as shown above
Display the best of journalist statements about you and make it easy for everyone to cite them
High-Res Photos that really show your personality
Display all relevant dates, even if it’s just live-streaming right now
Make it as easy as possible to reach out to you!
Go to town with the long-read story of your life and art that is of course SEO optimised
As mentioned above, you can display your EPK on an extra page on your webpage. You can also make a PDF that people can additionally download from your page. Or you can send this per mail if requested.
That way you can cater to any wishess and needs in the best and fastest way possible!
An EPK can help you make your dream come true!
You never know when momentum picks up and someone will approach you for your music. Be ready and have an amazing EPK ready at all times.
This way you can really show that you know the game and are ready for work! Also, it gives you the opportunity to really reflect on your journey so far.
What do you already have achieved and where do you still want to go? You can use your EPK as kind of a diary.
Always keep the old versions when you do an update. That way you can look back in a year or more and see how far you’ve come.
Keeping the EPK up-to-date also helps you to be in tune with your success journey. Purposefully designing an EPK can really help you up the ante and make your dream come true!