Youtube tasks are probably the last things you are thinking about right now. You are all bound to your home office due to the all-consuming corona pandemic?
I know, right now is surely not the time where your first thoughts are about optimization, engagement, analytics and co.
However, perhaps it can help to ease your mind doing something productive. Steps that will help you in the future, too.
YouTube is not just the second biggest search engine – it is also a huge entertainment platform.
Most people in Europe and around the world are living in self-isolation or quarantine right now, in need of amusement and entertainment. That means, don’t underestimate the impact a good YouTube channel can have for you.
Easy actions and YouTube tasks you can take on today
YouTube tasks can quite quickly become this huge burden.
Here’s the deal: this does not have to be like that.
In the first place, break down the tasks into bite-size pieces. Secondly, make yourself a plan on what actions you can accomplish on a given day.
Try not to pack too much into one to-do-point. Lastly, don’t plan for more than three major to-do actions at once.
Be honest about what you can achieve and be kind to yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day either!
Take a second and also read the Ultimate Guide To: YouTube!
Put your space cowboy boots on and dive into YouTube tasks and analytics!
One thing you can actually do every day no matter what is to do spend some time with your YouTube Analytics. Nevertheless, when you are stuck in your flat working from home it is a brilliant idea to take up tasks that otherwise get a bit dusty.
Your analytics can tell you brilliant things about how your subscribers engage with your content. Have you ever checked the Audience Retention Report?
It is a very important marker to check. It tells you the exact time that people stop watching your videos. Why is this important?
With this measurement, you can identify various actions you can take in order to improve your channel.
For example, if you want to include Info Cards into your videos, make sure to place them before the retention break. Otherwise, even the nicest Info Card has no use if nobody is there any more to click on it.
Another key parameter to watch out for is the first 15 seconds of your videos. How many people drop out right after that?
If you see a large fall-out, try to improve that start of your videos. Perhaps the fancy intro does not work in the end? Maybe you don’t show visually appealing scenes, right from the beginning?
You see, YouTube Analytics can give you valuable information and inspiration for steps ahead and easy optimization!
Here is everything you need to know about YouTube’s Partner Program in case you are interested.
Go back to the School Of Rock and do some eLearning
Google is the mother company of YouTube. Ever since the takeover in 2006, YouTube became a major part of Google’s portfolio.
As a matter of fact, Google started to implement a lot of learning material just for YouTube into their eLearning platform. They have their own interest in making the best out of YouTube and to encourage everyone to produce amazing content.
The more people are spending time on YouTube to more money Google can make with the advertising. This fact shouldn’t put you off though.
Free eLearning material is exactly what you can use in times of home office. What is more, the time you invest in your knowledge and skills now will pay back later.
To be fair, we don’t know how well the music business will recover from the corona pandemic. Some jobs might be at risk.
The more you can work on your portfolio and skills now, the better equipped you will be for any hustle that may come up!
Have you ever wondered how the YouTube Content ID works?
Do some Yoga and then wrap your head around a solid 3rd-Party-Tool for YouTube
There are many so-called 3rd-Party-Tools out there to help your workflow. A 3rd-Party-Tool is software that isn’t directly made by YouTube for example but is certified by it in the best case.
Take TubeBuddy as an illustration (#notsponsored). It is an independent tool but certified by YouTube. That way you know that it is safe to use.
They have features for bulk processing of answering comments as well as productivity hacks that can safe your valuable time. What is more, Tubebuddy offers amazing help for Video SEO.
Take Keyword explorer and Suggested Tags. Those are only two of the many options this tool gives you.
Whatever tool strikes your fancy, take a moment and really get to know it. Test out different solutions, read through a couple of manuals and make sure you really implemented a best-practise-strategy. That way you can make sure to make the best out of this dire time.

Without a doubt, the corona pandemic has surprised us all. Just a couple of weeks ago everything looked like the musical schedule worldwide would go to plan.
Festivals were booked, tickets for concerts were sold, music was recorded and released. Now we live in a time were the only continuum we have is our love for music.
Take care and make the best out of it. Keep doing things like improving your YouTube channel for example.
It may be just small actions but if they keep you occupied and inaction then that is all that matters.