content creation, Releasing new music, when to release new music, BlackbirdPunk Consulting, Digital Consulting for the Music Industry, music industry digital entertainment agency, Berlin, berlin, digital, work digital, freelancer digital music industry

Content Creation – 3 Simple Ways Your Fans Can Help You Out

Content creation at everyone’s mind right now. Corona is hitting us all hard.

However, especially hard hit are musicians who would otherwise be on tour right now. Important to realise, not every musician is comfortable with social media or content creation.

Sometimes the cliche is actually true, musicians can be sensible and shy. But here’s the kicker: you need to reach your fanbase, especially in homebound times.

You need to happen online, or you won’t happen at all!

Having said that, it is important to be kind to yourself. What is more, stay authentic and true to yourself. This way, you can communicate your message to your fans in an honest way.

However, if you all of the sudden try to do millions of live streams just because everyone is doing them right now. But you don’t really feel at home than your fans will recognize this as unauthentic.

One of the most used buzzwords in the music business, I know. Nonetheless, authenticity is a crucial key point in your fan communication.

Getting a grip on content creation can take a while

You are probably reading this blog post in search for some easy tips. And fear not!

I’ll get to this in a second. However, I wouldn’t be comfortable telling you fairy tales of content creation.

If you haven’t dealt with content creation already. Then you are highly likely to have a reason for that.

Maybe you’re asking yourself if you should release new music at all!

Or you are trying to find other musicians to collaborate with.

Perhaps you are very shy and simply hate the idea of being pursued as just slightly narcissistic. For some reason, there is this idea amongst musicians and creative people, that if you are doing things well online, you must be a narcissist.

It can stem from lack of confidence or the experiences of other ‘influencers’ online that lead to this. However, it is time to deal with this stigma once and for all.

There is a real difference between someone who seeks attention for nothing else than self-promotion. And someone knowledgeable of a craft.

And yes, I count making music as a craft. You wouldn’t think bad of a carpenter who is doing YouTube tutorials for woodworking, right?

You’ll get that she or he is simply really into the wood and has a lot of experience on how to make that work. That is the same case for a musician who just loves music and has a lot of experience playing an instrument or singing.

You don’t even need to be experienced in my humble opinion. Who is doing this judgement anyway?

Ok, enough of music McGuyver. Just get to work! No matter if you are shy or you just don’t know what to do. Now is the time to figure content creation out. Once and for all!

Include your fanbase in content creation

If you are just starting out with content creation, then you might not even know what the hell I’m writing about.

Content creation means the process of gathering or producing interesting material in order to post it online.

That can be through posts on social media like on Facebook or an Instagram Story. Also, blog posts like this one count as content creation. What is more, include your fans within your music video!

What is more, sending out a newsletter regularly can count as content creation. The important thing to remember, however, is to offer the recipients of the content a real benefit.

Don’t panic, that sounds more elaborate then it is at the end of the day. One really cool idea is to include your fanbase within your content creation strategy.

Including your fanbase within your content creation plan can help you a great deal

Firstly, it can help you mentally to master the challenge of content creating. If you have a clear vision of who you are creating your content for, the easier it will become!

Communicating with your fans is the first step in this. Once you have created a relationship with them, you can start to include them in your strategy.

Secondly, it can help your fans to feel seen and taken seriously. At the moment music is competing with the likes of Netflix and the general News.

If you want to grab the attention of your followers, you really have to make your content work. One clever way is to simply include your fans within your content creation.

The next step, of course, would be User-Generated-Content (UGC). However, that might be a step too far for now.

Content Creation, Releasing new music, when to release new music, BlackbirdPunk Consulting, Digital Consulting for the Music Industry, music industry digital entertainment agency, Berlin, berlin, digital, work digital, freelancer digital music industry

3 simply ideas of how to include your fans

  1. Ask for their opinion: use anything you can get to communicate with your fans. Instagram Stories with a poll card can be a great idea.

    Also, always encourage your fans to comment on any post you make. Take great care to answer all comments.

    No matter if on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. Give your fans the feeling that their effort of commenting is rewarded by being included in your content.

    You can ask your fans for cover-song ideas they would like to hear from you. Or you could encourage them to comment with their favourite tracklist.

    The winner will decide what you’ll play on your next live stream. Make sure to mention their name!
  1. Release a pdf or file with some artwork for a new track, for example. Then make a competition where your fans can send you self-made artwork based on your file.

    Choose a winner and use their artwork as the official one. (That is also a very cheeky way of cutting down on cost for graphic designers. But you haven’t got it from me.)

    This will bring high engagement and something for your fans to remember.
  1. Put out a pool of words you want to theme your next song around. Offer your fans the possibility of writing lines for your next lyrics!

    This sounds really intense but ‘bear’ with me. If your music is including great lyrics anyway then you might have a reputation for this.

    That means you attract people who deeply care for lyrics. In case they make it into your lyrics with their line, endless appreciation is guaranteed!

If my suggestions weren’t your cup of tea you are welcomed to brew your own!

Yes I know, those examples may have not cut your mustard. However, it is a start.

I merely want to put out there that you have endless opportunities of including your fans within your content creation!