Music marketing is surely important for any musician. However, most musicians hate to only happen in one music genre. The music industry however uses music genres in order to market music.
For once, it can be a conversation starter with other people but also in order to catch the interest of the prospect fans. Also, genres can help to explain the music to people who have never heard it.
Nonetheless, there seems to be the feeling among musicians that genre descriptions might limit you. What is more, there seems to be the fear that genres will define you as a musician to a point where you cannot change anymore without losing all your fans.
Most music today happens on Spotify and co. and therefore genres are one way to catalogue your music. No matter if you want to be on a Spotify playlist or played on the radio. Genres seem to be the all-encompassing metric for music selection.
If you feel that this strict classification is just not for you then read on. In this blog post, I will show you alternatives for music marketing even if you hate genres!
How to market your music even if you hate the idea of being confined to one music genre
#1 Concentrate on telling your story
However, you need to define yourself with something. And that is where storytelling comes in place. Creating your own rationale can be a very powerful tool in marketing your music.
Music fans need something in order to contextualise your music and make sense of it. The more you can guide them the better. Come up with a storyline of how you write your music, why you are playing music in the first place and what this all has to do with you.
Here’s the thing, in today’s fast-paced online world, fans love to connect with a person much more than with an idea or concept.
That is why one way to market your music could be to really concentrate on storytelling in order to connect with your fans!

#2 Come up with clever online content for music marketing
Here’s the thing, even if you don’t love the idea of music genres, you still need to market yourself and your music. Therefore being present on at least some online platforms like Instagram is key.
If using genres is not an option for you than you need alternatives. Having a clever content strategy in place is vital here. Not only will it inform your upload or posting schedule. It will also help you with content planning in the first place.
If you take the first tip serious then you should really concentrate on broadcasting your storytelling to the wider audience.
What is more, having strong online platforms opens up the possibilities for sponsoring and having your music synced for adverts or movies.
All ways where people can learn about your music outside of the music genre realm.
#3 Grow your audience, one by one and do clever music marketing
This is crazy, everyone needs to start growing their fanbase. No matter at what famous musician or band you look at, at some point in time they were also beginners.
However, using music genres can help to attract fans that already listen to similar artists or bands. If you just happen to be super uncomfortable with genres then you arguably can’t use this tool.
What you can defiantly do is to grow your fanbase anyway. You might just need to take on another approach. And that is to grow your fanbase one by one. Meaning keeping in contact with people you’ve met at an open mic night. Asking them to sign up to your newsletter and really start communicating.
Don’t hide behind your vinyl cover art. Go out there and be approachable. Even if you start out with playing music as a street musician. Concentrate on anyone who might show interest and convert them into fans.
Being able to understand fan communities and how you can make them allies in your fight for your dream can be a vital step in anyone career.
What is more, if you try to grow your audience one by one you have a deep and organic understanding of everyone’s lives, dreams and wishes. Something your music can align to as well as be part of.
This way people care much more about you and your music rather then generic music genres.
No matter the reason for you to be against music genres, they can undouptly help you in music marketing. If you don’t want to go down that route you need alternatives. Be smart and think of ways outside the box!