The difference between video and YouTube SEO is quite clear to everyone out there. Right?
Well, perhaps not so much. Very often, I get asked what the difference between video and YouTube SEO is.
Surely, it’s basically the same? Well, not so much really. If you are new to the game of video, YouTube and SEO then it might be all confusing for you.
The difference can be quite confusing
Maybe you’ve got a YouTube channel and a friend did some SEO on your website and of course, did you shoot a video before.
I mean, we all have our mobile phone at hand reach at all times, ready to take little snippets of concerts or festivals we went to.
Here’s the deal, video and YouTube SEO are big fields of digital work in their own rights. Important to realize, there is overlap between the two.
On the other hand side, there are also some vital differences.
However basic your knowledge of the topic is, here is without further ado the difference between video and YouTube SEO!
It is much simpler then you might think!
To get the most important factor out of the way first. Yes, both SEO approaches are based on a video.
So much is clear. However, YouTube SEO is focussing on videos that are hosted directly on the video platform YouTube.
YouTube SEO is focussing on the videos that are hosted on YouTube directly
That is an essential difference. YouTube is powered by the Google Algorithm, hence the videos that are uploaded to YouTube are subject to this.
What does that mean? It describes how varying ranking factors are determining the things you need to do in order to rank higher in the YouTube feed.
Like for example, make a nice long video description, create an appealing thumbnail, say the keyword at the beginning of the video, insert it into the title as well as the description etc.
What is more, most videos that are hosted on YouTube are in fact produced for this. This means that they bound to a certain style or visual aesthetic.
No matter if you cut your videos in the ‘special YouTube look’ with fast cuts, rapid zoom-ins, standard intros or poping thumbnails, you are binding to the YouTube video style.
Video SEO is a much broader approach then YouTube SEO
You see, YouTube SEO is confined to the YouTube platform itself. However, video SEO is on the other hand side a much broader approach.
It basically aims at every platform on the internet that can host a video. No matter if social media, websites or other video platforms like Vimeo.
There are so many more outlets for video than just YouTube. It is important that you don’t forget about those when you optimize your video material for search engines.
There are more video platforms than just YouTube
Because that is what video SEO is at the end of the day. You’re attempting to produce videos and optimize them in such a way that they rank higher in search engines.
Of course, a lot of measurements that you do for YouTube translate into video SEO as well. For example, a great title will help your video no matter where you host it.
Also, a great thumbnail will be helpful. However, if you place a video on your homepage it is much more important to focus on the storytelling and the visual identity of the video.
Making a website look coherent is super important. The video content is no exception here. A video on a website can be so much more, however.
It can help your website to rank higher or better sell your webshop products. On social media, videos can help you engage with your fanbase much better than text can.
One could argue that every platform needs its own video SEO. For example, you can totally do an individual video SEO approach for Facebook.
And then do a different one for Instagram with its IGTV, videos in the feed and Instagram Live. The video world is your oyster!
You see there is much more to video and YouTube SEO than meets the eye!