Biography, musician biography, seo, YouTube Videos, YouTube Channel Videos, Sara-Lena Probst, sara-lena probst,, Blog about Music, Music Blog, BlackbirdPunk, Blackbirdpunk Consulting, Digital Consulting for the Music Industry, music industry digital entertainment agency, Berlin, berlin, digital, work digital, freelancer digital music industry

Musician Biography – One Of The Most Underrated SEO Must-Haves

Musician biography is a key factor in building up your online presence. In the first place, it’s one of those things most people know about.

However, something that not many people know about or care, is to optimise the text for SEO standards.

What does that mean? It means that you will likely miss out on a lot of SEO if your text doesn’t fit the bill.

For once, it can cost you important places in the search engine ranking. Also, it won’t read as well as an optimised text.

And thirdly, if your text is good, it is much more likely to be used from bloggers and journalist as a resource.

The musician biography is really important for SEO

Most musician websites don’t have much content i.e. text on there. Even more so, some pages actually only feature the biography and keep the rest to pictures and a YouTube video embed.

Important to realise, if your musician biography is literally the only text on the whole webpage then it is even more important to make it work.

The most unique mistake that most people do is to hire a fancy journalist to do the job. The thinking is that the journalist fame will somehow translate into the text and make it sexy.

Perhaps you might have seen to much ‘Almost Famous’. However, as cool as the journalist may be, they are mostly not trained in writing SEO copy.

And that is totally ok. Don’t get me wrong, an amazing journalist can really help your career with an amazingly intellectual piece for The Rolling Stone Magazine, for example.

There is a difference between journalistic writing and SEO texting

However, there is a fine difference between journalistic writing and SEO texting. You might be wondering, what exactly is SEO texting?

Is the way to structure a text so that search engines like Google can easily crawl it with their search bots. Bots are tiny pieces of code that go through the internet and kind of mark each new page.

The better the website is built the better the ranking will be. Important to realise, Google search algorithm undergoes steady updating.

In recent updates, Google has taken a route to more quality on webpages and thus longer texts on websites. The main goal is to give the website viewer the best information about the featured topic.

If you are running a musician website, the topic is, of course, the musician and subsequently the music.

Important SEO factors for a successful musician biography

Write an engaging introduction to the musician or band. Try to implement an Elevator Pitch if you can. Of course, it still needs to sound creative.

Try to take an outside look onto the band. What is something that really stands out? Try to describe the sound of the band or last release as detailed as possible.

Also, a musician biography offers ample space for storytelling. What is the reason that the musician is here? What experiences have made that person who they are today?

Musician Biography As SEO, SEO musician biography, Sara-Lena Probst, sara-lena probst,, Blog about Music, Music Blog, BlackbirdPunk, Blackbirdpunk Consulting, Digital Consulting for the Music Industry, music industry digital entertainment agency, Berlin, berlin, digital, work digital, freelancer digital music industry
Use the musician biography for some amazing background information about your art!

Another cool idea is to explain each important instrument in more in depth. Why is you play exactly a Fender guitar and not a Gibson?

In the same fashion, you can go on in detail about the recording process of the material. We live in a world where music has more and more become a mere commodity. This is crazy, streaming services pump out new music every week.

What makes your recording different? Have you recorded it all by yourself because of the corona pandemic? Have you learn tonnes of new skills a long the way? All of this can go into amazing storytelling.

What is more, it gives your fans a real inside view into your world. If you are doing stuff on Patreon, for example, it is always good to have a close relationship with your supporters.

Writing amazing a musician biography can be one way of many to interact with your fans.

Wanna learn more about the technical side of SEO writing?
Read this amazing blog post here:

SEO Copywriting In Music That Makes A Difference

For one thing, staying true to yourself is important. If writing isn’t your cup of tea it might be a good idea to outsource the musician biography to a copywriter. A skilled copywriter will craft you an amazing text in no time.

Don’t let this important opportunity for search engine optimisation go to waste. Instead, use this to your advantage and make the best out of a musician biography!

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